Saturday, September 02, 2006

Guests: invited and otherwise.

Since Marcilio's original visit a few weeks ago he has been back twice. He was here three weekends ago and last weekend as well. We got a chance during his second visit to talk to Tober who was my first housemate in Peace Corps and a good friend of Marcilio as well. It was nice to be able to talk over Skype and catch up.

I also spoke to Tober who I last saw in early June while en route to Portland from Brattleboro. I saw Tober in Boulder and it was good to catch up with him then. It was great fun to have Marcilio here, especially this past weekend when he stayed for two nights. We stayed up till after midnight the first night and past two the second catching up, reliving good old memories and just enjoying each others company.

Doug can be a real softy and he certainly does his best to encourage troublemaking by his closest friends which include birds and fish. Here you see one of his pigeon buddies who found its way into our office. I was worried about it at first and opened as many doors and windows as possible to try and help coax it out of the office without hurting itself. I was happy to have helped and snapped some pics at the same time. It was happy to be outside and no longer needed to be inside searching for food. Doug encourages these little "beasts", j/k, by feeding them and forces me to feed them when he is out of town.

I was not entirely pleased when just a few minutes later the same bird returned through the back door still in search of food. I couldn't believe how brave it was walking only a few inches from my feet. This time I chased it off and you can see that it decided to finally move out of the office and since this day a few weeks ago hasn't chosen to return.

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