Saturday, July 29, 2006

Moçambique is in the house!

Marcilio, my best friend from Mozambique and my photography assistant on The World Through My Eyes, who has been in South Africa for over a year at a college in Randfontein came to visit me in Sandringham at the Smith's home/ETC offices. He came on Friday with his friend Alex who is also from Mozambique and also doing his studies at Western College in Randfontein. Alex is from Xai-Xai which is in Gaza Province the same province as Chókwè where Marcilio is from and I served in the Peace Corps.

It was only a short visit to see each other, catch up and for Marcilio to know how to get to my house. I had not seen Marcilio since January of 2005 when I was last in Mozambique. It was great to see him and know that he is really not that far away and I look forward to seeing him more times over my stay here. It was also great to get to speak in Portuguese for a more extended time than when talking on the phone and especially speaking in Portuguese with Mozambicans again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! It's about time you had pictures up - and some from a soccer game to boot! Keep them coming, F