Monday, April 02, 2007

Regional Medicinal Plants Workshop in Rosario da Limeira

This past weekend interested groups and individuals from throughout our state of Minas Gerais and the larger region descended on the small town of Rosario da Limeira (a few thousand inhabitants) for the 3rd Meeting about Community Work with Medicinal Plants and Homeopathy. It was held Friday through Sunday, they easily had the 200 participants that they wanted (200 was the cap on participants) plus some of us who came to visit for shorter periods of time. I went along with Robin, Binka, Alana, Jim and some visitors who had come to talk about potential funding for Iracambi and wanted to talk with community members who have worked for/with Iracambi and some of these people were at the meeting. Below are some photos I took from the meeting of workshops, our booth, volunteers/staff at the meeting as well as visitors from the meeting who came to Iracambi on Sunday to walk on our "medicinal plants", visit our nursery and generally learn more about what Iracambi does and offers to surrounding communities.
Alexandre is to the left pointing and behind him with the teal green shirt is Everaldo who works for Iracambi doing maintenance and more and also sells us eggs and cheese from his farm.Our booth at the meeting with posters designed by volunteers Hannah and Joanna, soaps by Everaldo and Alexandre and wooden boxes and other containers by Alexandre.
Rosa Virginia and Alana smelling some of Alexandre and Everaldo's soaps made from honey, citronella and other plants/ingredients found/produced at Iracambi or by others locally.
From left to right, me of course, Rasmus, Andreas, Alana, Hannah, Joanna, Claudio and Alexandre.
Visitors from meeting walking our medicinal plants trail which I walked on for the first time while taking these pictures although it is just a few hundred yards from my door. I have no real excuse other than being busy and lazy. I have hiked few trails here but figure I have lots of time to do them all.
One of the plants marked with this sign to tell its name (common and scientific) as well as what illnesses/diseases it can be used to cure.
Marcelo who I have mentioned in other entries who is our resident tree and plant expert, great link to the community, great baker, guitar player and all around nice guy, pointing out some of the plants/trees to the group as we walked on the trail.
The entrance to the viveiro/nursery which is run mainly by a volunteer, Toni, with help from volunteers and community members. This is where the seeds are germinated and seedlings raised that we use in our reforestation work. Toni is looking for a helper (no real experience needed) if any of you are interested!
Group discussing what they had seen on the trail and exchanging ideas on medicinal plants, Iracambi, etc.
One of the bamboo tables with various plants in different stages of growth under a makeshift roof out of sacs from rice, cement, etc.
Some of the little guys doing their best to grow good and strong.
One of the greenhouses with wood piled up outside being used to construct new tables and repair old one.
Some of the ground beds where seedlings are transfered and experimentation takes place.
Robin, one of the founders of Iracambi talking with a visitor from Limeira.

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