Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sao Paulo behind the scenes with Flavio. Pics of me, just for mom!!!!! And don't forget the Pope.

I'd like to think of this entry as "bookends" as it starts with a picture of me, has one in the middle and ends with one too. In fact an Oreo would be more appropriate but I don't like/eat Oreos, especially as that creamy white part in the middle is made from COW'S feet.
Flavio and I were at Principia together for a year, my last and his only, and hadn't seen each other in almost seven years. As we are both Prinos, photographers, travelers and speak Portuguese we just had to hang out again. This picture was taken outside of First Church of Christ Scientist, Sao Paulo on Sunday the 13th of May.
Later when Flavio and his cousin took me on a tour by car and foot of Sao Paulo they told me that this square and more particularly the white church to the right was where Sao Paulo started. Not surprisingly a missionary was the person to "start" Sao Paulo. Here is the church from a different angle.
Yeah mom that's me!! And you guessed it I am standing just below where Pope Benedict XVI stood a few days before this lovely Sunday afternoon.
I chose not to take my picture with Herr Bush as the can stank just like he does. By the way, the sign reads "Get rid of Bush". I sure am glad I didn't vote for that guy and always remember to tell people that when they talk about "our" president. I sure am glad he ain't my prez.

The building to the left and in the reflection was the first building of its size built in Sao Paulo. I can't remember the actual number of stories or year it was built but I guess it was a real shock back in the day. It may have been the first such building built in South America even. Flavio told me that when it was first built people were afraid to go near or in it for fear that it would come crumbling down. In fact maybe that is where the phrase "crumbling down" came from. Now of course it is towered over by many buildings in the downtown alone.

Just like a story book(end) ending you find me with downtown Sao Paulo providing a nice back drop. Thanks Flavio for the tour and taking this photo. You are great at both.

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