Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sick to my stomach and he calls himself a "good person". Don Imus you should be ashamed of yourself and out of a job!!!!

Again out of the loop thanks to being out of the country which with stories like these sounds better and better each day. Why do these idiots have jobs let alone the kind that let them influence hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. It is too bad that sex, inuendo, discrimination and just plane bad taste sell because if people didn't tune in and turn on these jerks then they wouldn't make money and would be out of a job and doing some real work for a living. And then those of us with a conscious, sense of decency, interest in colors beyond the green of dollars and concern for our fellow humans and the planet could have the helm of these instruments that disseminate information to the masses and influence opinion and action.

Wouldn't it be great for the leader of an organization in Washington D.C, Johannesburg, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong or Kiev doing work to help people get skilled up to get better jobs, volunteer to help others, clean up dirty river beds, fight forest fires, etc. had the mic instead of Howard, Don, Rush and the rest of these people who use phobias, mis/lack of education, isolationism and more to create legions of mindless viewers, readers, listeners who in an attempt to mimic their "role models" wreak havoc in the life's of others and the one and only planet we can and most likely will be able to inhabit. Isn't it funny how people hide behind "our" free speech protections when it is convenient for them. Enough of my diatribe now on to the reason I began writing this in the first place which were the recent racist, sexist, completely inappropriate and stupid comments that Don Imus, his executive producer Bernard McGuirk and sports announcer Sid Rosenberg, made on Imus' show. For more I suggest you read these three articles from ESPN.com which will surely make you want to find more at Salon, BBC and where ever you get your news from.




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